[GSC-Diversity-All] Important GSC Meeting Wednesday!

Elizabeth Clay eclay at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 5 21:28:37 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

The time that we have all been working for and waiting for is here-  
on Wednesday at 5:30pm in the GSC Office (50-220) there will be the  
vote for making the Diversity Committee permanent. It is the FIRST  
item on the agenda, so if you can, please come by 5:30 and you can  
leave afterwards in needed.

I hope that you can all be there, your work and support over the last  
year has gotten us to this point! Also, if you have a moment, send a  
quick mail to the GSC reps in your department (http://web.mit.edu/gsc/ 
www/about/reps/gscreps/index.shtml) and let them know how what you  

Thanks and hope to see you Wednesday,

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