[GSC-Diversity-All] Div Com Event and Search for New Dean

Elizabeth Margarette Clay eclay at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 17 15:25:09 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

Time for the final planning for the dinner and discussion on February 1st. I
have been out of town for a few days, so will be working on securing certain
details over the next two days and will bring that information to our meeting
on the 23rd. Until then, the key things are to do outreach to other student
groups- they don't have to sign on as official co-hosts, but we want them to
send the invitation to their membership; in addition- we'll need to work out a
list of questions to get the conversation flowing in each small group and
define volunteer tasks for each of us for that night.

As we discussed, lets talk on the 23rd at 6pm on the 2nd Floor of Walker if that
still works for everyone. Look forward to seeing you then- will send more
information too. (Irene- please forward this to your friend who plans to
facilitate- I will send this on to the DP2P people who want to be involved).

Also, anyone want to get involved with this?

*Dean for Graduate Students search*

A search is beginning for the next Dean for Graduate Students.  A
variety of positions for graduate students are available, including on
the search committee itself.  If you are interested in participating,
please contact the Nominations Committee chair:
gsc-vice-president at mit.edu.


Master of City Planning Candidate, 2007
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Co-Chair, Diversity Committee, GSC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

617.699.1514 (Mobile)

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