[GSC-Diversity-All] Agenda Attached: TODAY...Diversity Committee Meeting REMINDER, 6:30pm!!!

Nakeischea Loi Smith nakeisha at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 15 09:09:47 EST 2007

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that we will have a Diversity Meeting TODAY Thursday Feb 15th at
6:30pm on the second floor of Walker Memorial.  We will have the meeting at the
tables outside of the GSC offices instead of inside where we normally do.
Please note the agenda and print out a copy for yourself for the meeting. There
are some important items to discuss and we hope you can all make it. Dinner will
be served.

1. Resolution
2. Future Event Listing (tentative)
3. African Development Conference info


6:30 - 6:40 Dinner Served
6:40 - 6:45 Jennifer Jenkins Intro: New Diversity Coordinator
6:45 - 7:00 Debrief & discuss presentation of Resolution (see remarks below)
7:00 - 7:20 Committee Vision (permancence vs other options) & Future Events
7:20 - 7:30 Committee Leadership Transition
7:30 Open Floor - (Michael Sable) Discuss possible Div-Com funding for African
Development Conference and outreach to Africans & African-Americans. (Ishara
Mills) Sherley case & Racism at MIT

Hi Elizabeth and Nakeischea,

Thanks for your presentation the other day. There was some good discussion and I
think you handled the questions well. Nevertheless, it seems like there wasn?t
unanimous support for the amendment as it presently stands. Also, several reps
actually approached us after the meeting to make additional comments about your
resolution, maybe because of their reluctance to speak up against a sensitive
issue like this in an open forum setting. Based on all of this, we?re worried
that it might be difficult for you to get the 2/3 majority needed for a bylaw
amendment with the resolution as it currently stands? so, we would like to
propose to meet you two (and anyone else from the Diversity Committee you'd
like to invite) to have a more detailed discussion about the proposal. The goal
would be to share and discuss all the concerns that were brought up, including
our own, and see if the wording of the resolution can be modified and improved
to address some of these issues.


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