[GSC-Diversity-All] Discussion about Tenure Process--Today 5-7pm room 3-270

Nakeischea Loi Smith nakeisha at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 6 10:32:49 EST 2007

Please rsvp to <kwreid at MIT.EDU>

Dear Students,

As you may know, Professor Sherley has begun a fast to challenge his tenure
process which will raise a number of questions for students to address with
faculty members who have been involved in handling tenure cases and supporting
junior faculty.

The Office of Minority Education and the Chancellor are sponsoring a discussion
about the faculty tenure process on Tuesday, February 6 from 5-7pm in room
3-270. The discussion will be hosted by a tenured MIT faculty member.
Refreshments will be served.

We look forward to seeing you at this very informative session.

Karl W. Reid

Assistant to the Chancellor for Diversity

Associate Dean and Director

The Office of Minority Education

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