[GSC-Diversity-All] May 3, Jeff Hebert

Elizabeth Margarette Clay eclay at MIT.EDU
Sun Apr 29 09:10:56 EDT 2007

Hi everyone,

It seems that everyone is too busy to pull off a great Cultural Identity Dinner
event on May 3rd, and likely our turnout might reflect that, so we have decided
to postpone the events. Natalija, Abigail and I talked about holding smaller
discussion events this summer.

Anyway, on May 3rd, there is another event that the Diversity Committee has
helped fund, the Alumni of Color Dinner Series. This will be one of the best
sessions yet, so I encourage you all to participate!


----- Forwarded message from jainey at MIT.EDU -----
    Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:57:25 -0400
    From: "Jainey K. Bavishi" <jainey at MIT.EDU>
Reply-To: "Jainey K. Bavishi" <jainey at MIT.EDU>
 Subject: Don't Forget To RSVP: May 3, Jeff Hebert
      To: duspstu at mit.edu

This is a friendly reminder to RSVP to jainey at mit.edu if you have not already
done so and plan on attending the final event of the Alumni of Color Dinner
Series with Jeff Hebert by TOMORROW, Monday, April 30.  Details are below.

When: Thursday, May 3, 2007, 7 - 8:30 PM

Where: Stella Room

What:  Jeff Hebert (MCP '04) is a native Louisianian and the Deputy Director of
Planning for the Louisiana Recovery Authority.  Jeff has experience in working
in both Brooklyn and Philadelphia.  He has now taken on a leadership role at
the Louisiana Recovery Authority, the planning and coordinating body created in
the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita by Governor Blanco, that is
addressing both short-term recovery needs and guiding the long-term planning

RSVP to Jainey Bavishi at jainey at mit.edu by Monday, April 30 and indicate if
you prefer a vegetarian meal.

Hope to see you there,

----- End forwarded message -----

Master of City Planning Candidate, 2007
Department of Urban Studies and Planning

Co-Chair, Diversity Committee, GSC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

617.699.1514 (Mobile)

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