[GSC-Diversity-All] Next GSC Diversity Committee Meeting
Elizabeth Margarette Clay
eclay at MIT.EDU
Thu Oct 12 00:08:53 EDT 2006
Hi Everyone,
Hope you are enjoying the short week. We will be having our next GSC Diversity
Meeting next Tuesday evening at 6:30. I hope each of you can make it, and
possibly bring a friend who you think would be interested.
We will give updates on CONVERGE, Caribbean Conference and Diversity Peer 2 Peer
Training (this Saturday if you are interested), talk about the new funding
opportunities we have applied for and upcoming events and projects. This will
be the meeting to identify what you would like to work on and start to make
things happen. If you have any agenda items you would like to add- please let
us know!
Please let us know if you cannot attend for any reason and we will catch up with
you individually about your interests.
Liz and Nakeischea
Master of City Planning Candidate, 2007
Department of Urban Studies and Planning
Co-Chair, Diversity Committee, GSC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
617.699.1514 (Mobile)
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