[galib] population based evaluation

Alin Ionascu alin1x at live.com
Sat Sep 22 06:38:13 EDT 2012

Hello everyone,

What I'm tring to do is the following. I want to do a population based 
evaluation. Is there any way to find out for which individual the 
Objective function is called (not the value of the individual but it's 
position in the population -> is it the first one? or the 3rd one).

Is there a way to work without the Objective function (it was sugessted 
somewhere in the code -> GAGenome.h) here is the section:
If there is no objective function, then simply return the score. This
   allows us to use population-based evaluation methods (where the 
   method sets the score of each genome).
Does someone have an example or a hint on how to do this ? Where shlould 
I return the score and how does the command look like?

Thank you,


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