[galib] Newbie question: how to pass parameters to the (Paul Smith)

Guillaume Massé guillaume.masse at polymtl.ca
Wed Jun 30 12:18:19 EDT 2010

I was thinking something like that

C function with global variable

const float PARAM = 10.0;

float fun_objective(GAGenome & c)
    return PARAM;

int main()

   ...Genome genome( ..., fun_objective );
   GA.. ga(genome);


C++ Class

class Problem{
   Problem( int p): param( p ) { }
   float objective( GAGenome & c ){ return param; }
   float param;

int main()
   Problem prob( 10.0 );
   ...Genome genome( ..., prob.objective() );
   GA.. ga(genome);

> Thanks, Guillaume. When you write

"Global variables and a function",

do you mean

"Global variables AND a function"


"Global variables OR a function" ?


Guillaume Massé
École polytechnique de Montréal
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