[galib] GACheckEncoding error on real number

dario longo dario.longo at unito.it
Thu Sep 7 11:35:31 EDT 2006

Hi all,I'm working with galib version 2.4.6 and using GABin2DecGenome with real numbersI'm trying to add an individual (with two real-number chromosomes) to a population of 10 genome.When I read from a file the two numbers, I obtain the following error:GACheckEncoding:specified value cannot be exactly represented with these bits.desired: -19.218000 actual: -19.257087 discretization: 0.039101nbits: 10 min: -20.000000 max: 20.000000gabincvt.C : 93GACheckEncoding:specified value cannot be exactly represented with these bits.desired: 2.428000 actual: 2.427957 discretization: 0.000098nbits: 10 min: 2.400000 max: 2.500000gabincvt.C : 93I've tried to increase or reduce the number of bits, but without results.Because of I'm passing also a value of score with this genome, I obtain different score associated to actual values.Could anyone tell me in which way can I pass my real numbers to an individual inwithout modification of the real number?Thank to all in advance,dario longo
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