[galib] Thanks Mr. Bob Moss

vineet gautam in_vin at yahoo.co.in
Sat Nov 19 07:57:05 EST 2005

hi Mr.Bob Moss

Your code was of immense help for me . Now i vl check
galib archive before disturbing all u ppl out there.

Thanks once again

bye until i get stuck again.


In a message dated 11/18/2005 7:56:15 AM Central
Standard Time, in_vin at yahoo.co.in writes:
But i'm unable to feed this strings in the code of
example given.
You can read them in from a file.  I don't know how
else to do it without modifying the GAlib files.
I have modified ex1.c so that it reads in strings from
a file named <init.pop>; the modified file is named
ex1mod.c. Obviously, I also changed the genome type to
GA1DBinStrGenome. Both ex1mod.c and init.pop are
I got this idea from the link below.
I hope this helps.
Bob Moss

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