[galib] Help using GALib: customising crossover operator

#SAWHNEY ADITI# aditi at pmail.ntu.edu.sg
Tue Jul 26 02:38:46 EDT 2005

I have customised my crossover operator but get the following errors during compiling.
the program:
int RouteCrossover(const GAGenome & , const GAGenome &, GAGenome *);
int SwapMutator(GAGenome & c, float ); 
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  GARealAlleleSet alleles;
  GARealGenome genome(numCustomer+numVeh, alleles, objective);
W:\Latest\sce03-056\main.C(105) : error C2664: 'int (__cdecl *__thiscall GAGenome::crossover(int (__cdecl *)(const class GAGenome &,const class GAGenome &,class GAGenome *,class GAGenome *)))(const class GAGenome &,const class GAGenome &,class GAGen
ome *,class GAGenome *)' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int (const class GAGenome &,const class GAGenome &,class GAGenome *)' to 'int (__cdecl *)(const class GAGenome &,const class GAGenome &,class GAGenome *,class GAGenome *)'
        None of the functions with this name in scope match the target type


From: galib-bounces at mit.edu on behalf of Christophe Philemotte
Sent: Tue 7/19/2005 4:53 PM
To: galib at mit.edu
Subject: Re: [galib] Help using GALib: customising mutation operator


Following the typedef int (*GAGenome::Mutator)(GAGenome &, float), you can
write your own mutation operator. To apply to a given genome, you have
just to use the method GAGenome::Mutator mutator(GAGenome::Mutator func).
In your case, that gives something like this:
int swap(GAGenome &g, float pmut) { ... }

int main() {
  //g is your GARealGenome

you can find all these in the galib API:


> hey,
> I'm new to galib and c++ so have a basic question to ask.
> I am using real genomes and want to write my own mutation operator
> called "swap". so where do i place the code for this mutation operator
> n how do i set the genome class to use it?
> sincerely,
> Aditi
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