[galib] GA for GAP

Ramya Narayanaswamy narayanaswamy.2 at wright.edu
Wed May 12 21:39:25 EDT 2004

Hello All,
I am trying to use Genetic Algorithm from the GALib for solving 
Generalized Assignment Problem. I have a running code for MKP which is 
a 1Dimensional array which uses GALib. Now is have a problem calling 
the obejctive function and defining in GA2DBinS.h. I am attaching my 
code as an attachment.

The errors which it gives while compiling are

error C2065: 'GA2DBinarystringGenome' : undeclared identifier
error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'genome'
error C2065: 'genome' : undeclared identifier
error C2601: 'Objective' : local function definitions are illegal.

If some body has some suggestions or any solutions for this kindly let 
me know as it would really help me as i am stuck. Thanks in advance.
Ramya Narayanaswamy
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