rank and tournament selection question

Piet Kerckhove piet.kerckhove at rug.ac.be
Wed May 29 09:34:39 EDT 2002


    What does the rank selector from the library exactly do? The manual  says: 'picks the best individual every time'. This is hard to believe, because it should mate with itself (this is waste of computation time)?? Normally the population is ranked and every individual is given a probability p[i] in descending order (lineair, exponential..) then roulettewheel picks one out of it according to the chance p[i]. Does it work that way or deterministic (ex. 25 best)?

    Tournament selection includes roulettewheel selection (from manual). Is this roulettewheel selection based on objective scores or fitness scores? Normally it picks a crowd randomly (without roulettewheel), no?

Thank you,

Piet Kerckhove
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