Cant install galib on windows and cant compile on linux

Project IDSUGA idsuga at
Tue May 7 06:47:46 EDT 2002


We are really in an desperate situation here. We have
to meet a project deadline and we are just not able to
install Galib on our system. HELP !!

We tried installing GAlib on windows but 'nmake' exits
with Fatal Errors. It cannot open include files. Can
anyone suggest what do we do ?

We installed GAlib 2.4.5 on our caldera linux machine
2.4.2. We tried compiling the ex17.C file using g++
version 2.95.2.
But we are getting a pageful of "undefined reference"
errors like:

/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o: In function `main':
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x14e): undefined reference to
`GAGenome::initializer(void (*)(GAGenome &))'
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x168): undefined reference to
`GAGenome::mutator(int (*)(GAGenome &, float))'
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x182): undefined reference to
`GAGenome::crossover(int (*)(GAGenome const &,
GAGenome const &, GAGenome *, GAGenome *))'
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x19e): undefined reference to
`GASteadyStateGA::GASteadyStateGA(GAGenome const &)'
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x1aa): undefined reference to
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x1bc): undefined reference to
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x1d5): undefined reference to
`GASteadyStateGA::scaling(GAScalingScheme const &)'
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x1ee): undefined reference to
`GAGeneticAlgorithm::set(char const *, int)'
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x20e): undefined reference to
`GAGeneticAlgorithm::set(char const *, double)'
/tmp/cceUgrZ5.o(.text+0x22e): undefined reference to
`GAGeneticAlgorithm::set(char const *, double)'

Could anyone please suggest a solution to this

Thank you


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