scores all the same

Mesimer, Daniel James (UMKC-Student) djm0fc at
Fri Jul 12 14:58:31 EDT 2002

I am running a GARealGenome GASteadyStateGA and all of my scores are the same.

I can't seem to get it to change ever, even during different runs.

the code follows:  (I know it is not too clean)

BEGIN -- code -->

#include <iostream.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <fstream.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ga/ga.h>
#include <ga/GARealGenome.h>
#include <ga/GARealGenome.C>

#define TNUM 99
#define TNUM_dbl 99.0

ifstream filein;
ofstream fileout;

int obj;

struct spleen
  float ct_volume;
  float us_w;
  float us_d;
  float av_l;

spleen Spleen[TNUM];

float Objective(GAGenome & g);
GABoolean Terminator(GAGeneticAlgorithm & ga);

void readFile();

int main()
  time_t now;
  obj = 0;

  /* BEGIN -- declaring GA objects */
  GARealAlleleSet allele(0.0, 1.0);    //creating an allele set so that all genomes will pull value from 0 - 1
  GARealGenome genome(3, allele, Objective);    //creating Genome object to put into GA
  GASteadyStateGA ga(genome);    //creating the Genetic Algorithm based on the previous Genome
  GANoScaling scaling;    //creating a different scaling scheme to use with our scores.
  //GARankSelector selector;    //creating selector to always pick the best individuals for mating
  /* END -- declaring GA objects */

  /* BEGIN -- setting genome parameters */
  /* END -- setting genome parameters */



  /* BEGIN -- setting GA parameters */
  //ga.nConvergence(10);    //setting the number of generations to use for convergence test
  //ga.pConvergence(0.01);  //setting the percentage to for convergence test
  ga.pCrossover(1.0);     //We wish to perform Crossovers all of the time
  ga.pMutation(0.01);     //Setting the Mutation probability
  ga.pReplacement(0.2);   //going to replace 20% of the population every generation
  ga.scoreFrequency(10);  //recording generational scores every 10 generations
  ga.flushFrequency(50);  //Flushing scores to disk every 50 generations
  /* END -- setting Ga parameters */
  cout << "Number of calls to Objective:  " << obj << endl;
  cout << "GA Stats...\n\n";
  cout << "GA BestIndividual:  " << ga.statistics().bestIndividual() << endl;
  cout << "\nGA Full Statistics:\n" << ga.statistics() << endl;

  return 0;

float Objective(GAGenome & g)
  int i;
  float score;
  float approx_value[TNUM];
  float abs_err[TNUM];
  float rel_err[TNUM];
  float relative_error;
  score = 0.0;

  GARealGenome & genome = (GARealGenome &)g;

  for(i = 0;i < TNUM;i++)
      approx_value[i] = Spleen[i].us_w * genome.gene(1) * Spleen[i].us_d * genome.gene(2) * Spleen[i].av_l * genome.gene(3);
      abs_err[i] = fabs(Spleen[i].ct_volume - approx_value[i]);
      rel_err[i] = abs_err[i] / (fabs(Spleen[i].ct_volume));
  relative_error = 0.0;
  cout << "Objective..." << endl;
  for(i = 0;i < TNUM;i++)
      relative_error += rel_err[i];

  score = relative_error / TNUM_dbl;
  //Attempting to use relative error measurements for scoring


  return  100.0 * exp(-2.0*score);

GABoolean Terminator(GAGeneticAlgorithm & ga)
  const float thresh = 10.0;
  float score;
  GABoolean stop;

  score =  ga.statistics().current();

  cout << "Current Max Score: " << (float)ga.statistics().current() << endl;
  if(score <= thresh)
    stop = gaTrue;
    stop = gaFalse;

  return stop;

void readFile()
  int i;"Objective_Data.csv");

  for(i = 0;i < TNUM;i++)
      filein >> Spleen[i].ct_volume >> Spleen[i].us_w >> Spleen[i].us_d >> Spleen[i].av_l;

<-- END -- cod 

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