Objective function

Vijay G Kovvali vkovvali at mailcity.com
Thu Jun 29 11:20:52 EDT 2000

Hello, I am trying to run my GA as part of a class CGeneticData. I save the variables I want as the datamembers and then call the function RunGA to run a simple GA. I want to make my Objective function also part of the class so that it has access to some other class data and functions. The problem is that whenever I make the objective function as part of the class, it doesn't compile and spits out the error:
[C++ Error] CGeneticData1.cpp(67): E2285 Could not find a match for 'GARealGenome::GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(GARealAlleleSetArray,void)'

It doesn't give me an error if I move the objective function definition to the .cpp file (global). I don't understand this error. Please help. Thank you.


My Structure is something like this:

In .h file
class CGeneticData
    int FSeed;
    CData MyData;
    void CRunGA();
    float Objective1(GAGenome& g);

In .cpp file

void CGeneticData::RunGA()
  GARealAlleleSetArray MyBounds; //populate bounds
  GARealGenome MyGenome(MyBounds, Objective1);
  GASimpleGA ga(MyGenome);

float CGeneticData::Objective1(GAGenome& g)
  //Do calculations using MyData

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