mixture of data type

Matthew Wall mbwall_NO_SPAM at mit.edu
Sun Mar 21 20:46:49 EST 1999

>is it possible to mixture the data type into one genome such as below
>alleles all together?
>Allele1 [0 - 1]  Real value
>Allele2 [0 - 10] Real value
>Allele3 [0 - 5]  Integer

GARealAlleleSetArray alleles;
alleles.set(0,1);    // bounded set, continuous from 0-1 inclusive
alleles.set(0,10);   // bounded set, continuous from 0-10 inclusive
alleles.set(0,5,1);  // bounded set, increment of 1, 0-5 inclusive
GAArrayAlleleGenome genome(alleles);

note that the third element in this genome will be a double, but its values
will be limited to the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}


Matthew Wall
mbwall_NO_SPAM at mit.edu

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