URGENT pointer to the Objective

Jan Braun Jan.Braun at tu-bs.de
Mon Jun 8 10:53:02 EDT 1998


I need urgent help, because time is running ...

I implemented a GA by copying and slightly modifying some of the
examples dealing with Real-Number-GAs.

The only difference I can see, is that my ga is not running as part of
the function main(), but within class fool_base, or---even another
try---within a separate class gene_obj.  Because of this (I guess) I
get the following error-message while compiling with egcs-1.0.3a on
Red-Hat- oder SuSE-Linux:
foolbase.cc:1200: no matching function for call to `GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<float>::GA1DArrayAlleleGenome (GAAlleleSetArray<float> &, float (Fool_Base::*)(GAGenome &))'
/usr/local/include/ga/GARealGenome.C:21: candidates are: GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<float>::GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(unsigned int, const GAAlleleSet<float> &, float (*)(GAGenome &), void *)
/usr/local/include/ga/GARealGenome.C:35:                 GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<float>::GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(const GAAlleleSetArray<float> &, float (*)(GAGenome &), void *)
/usr/local/include/ga/GA1DArrayGenome.h:154:                 GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<float>::GA1DArrayAlleleGenome(const GA1DArrayAlleleGenome<float> &)

I would point this to the mismatch of (*), as offered from the galib
and (Fool_Base::*), which is seen by the compiler.

Please help me an tell me, how I can bind this objective into the
genome.  It don't have much time left.

Thank you very very! much


                                  Jan Braun
    Beratung Rechenzentrum               E-Mail: Jan.Braun at tu-bs.de
    Technische Universit"at              WWW: http://www.tu-bs.de/~c0031015/
    38092 Braunschweig                   Tel: +49/531/391-5555
    http://www.tu-bs.de/rz/beratung/     Fax: +49/531/391-5549

===== ypchsh /usr/local/bin/emacs :-)  (-: ``Go FORTH now and create ...''====

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