Representations of boolean functions

Anthony Liekens liekens at
Mon Dec 28 12:19:51 EST 1998

To start with - I like GAlib. I think it's a very good GA resource to start
with if you're a C++ programming GA artist and you need a lot of functionality!

For school I have to do a project in which I have to compare different
representations of boolean functions with a variant number n of variables
(truth table, pre-fix notation, conjunctive normal form, disjunctive normal
form and the scariest of them all, binary decision diagrams)

For most of these representations I can use the genomes included in GAlib
(truth table is a tree of depth n, pre-fix notation is a tree, cnf and dnf
are lists of lists) but i have some problems with the Binary Decision
Diagrams genome.

Has anyone implemented BDDs in GAlib before?

If so, please send me pointers* and references& to BDD libraries that can be
used with GAlib


Anthony Liekens
liekens at

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