[MIT Friends of the Arts] Next FOTA Event: Fellow Travelers, 11/14

Alexey Balitskiy balitski at mit.edu
Tue Oct 29 20:07:05 EDT 2019

Hi all,
The next Friends of the Arts event will be Fellow travelers
<https://blo.org/fellow-travelers/>, a contemporary (premiered in 2016!),
opera by Gregory Spears. His music is claimed
<https://www.newmusicusa.org/profile/gregoryspears/> to blend aspects of
romanticism, minimalism, and early music, so should be listener-friendly.
The details and sign up link are below; as always tickets are limited so
sign up early!

What: Boston Lyric Opera presents *Fellow Travelers*, an opera by Gregory
Spears; libretto by Greg Pierce; based on the 2007 novel by Thomas Mallon
When: Thursday, November 14, 7:30 pm
Where: Emerson Paramount Center
Dinner: ~5:45 PM (location TBA near building 2)
Cost: $5/person
Sign up by Saturday, November 2: https://forms.gle/8ZrdiE5s6DmaMriMA

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