[MIT Friends of the Arts] July 30: Tanglewood trip

Eva Belmont ebelmont at mit.edu
Sat Jul 9 14:01:24 EDT 2016

Hi all,

It's time for our annual trip to Tanglewood, the BSO's summer retreat.

When: Saturday, July 30 at 8PM
Where: Tanglewood, Lenox, MA (we need volunteers to drive people there)
What: Boston Symphony concert
   Corigliano - Fantasia on an Ostinato
   Sibelius - Violin Concerto (with Augustin Hadelich, violin)
   Beethoven - Symphony No. 7
More info: https://www.bso.org/Performance/Detail/77812
Cost: $10 (free for drivers)
RSVP due: next Friday (July 15)

For those of you who haven't been, Tanglewood is a lovely sprawling
estate in western Massachusetts, at the center of which is an open-air
theater with ample lawn space for people to relax, enjoy a picnic, and
listen to some beautiful music.

We will leave in the mid-afternoon, drive for about three hours, have a
picnic dinner (food is provided), attend the 8PM concert, and return
late at night.

Please fill out the following form by Friday, July 15, so we can make


Hope to see you there,

-- Eva

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