[MIT Friends of the Arts] March 11: Avi Avital, mandolin

Eva Belmont ebelmont at mit.edu
Sat Feb 27 16:27:34 EST 2016

Hi all,

Friends of the Arts is still alive! Our next event will be to see Avi
Avital, a mandolinist who plays both classical and (usually Middle
Eastern and Eastern European) folk music. I've heard him live before --
he's an amazing musician and I'm sure this will be a lot of fun.

Here's a recent performance of his: https://youtu.be/GLV1i-fVsk4?t=169

What: Avi Avital, mandolin: Between Worlds Tour (Celebrity Series Boston)
When: Friday, March 11
    Dinner at 6:30, location TBA (somewhere in building 2)
    Performance at 8 at Jordan Hall, Boston
Link: http://www.celebrityseries.org/avital/index.htm
Cost: Free!
RSVP: due by Wednesday, March 2

Sign up here:

>From the website:

"Mandolinist Avi Avital is one of a generation of performers redrawing
the boundaries of traditional musical genres. His ambition is to
revitalize the mandolin in both solo and chamber repertoire and inspire
the creation of new music for an instrument that has been unjustly
neglected within classical music. Program will explore the borders
between folk and classical music and include works by Kreisler, J.S.
Bach, Villa-Lobos, Bartók and traditional Turkish and Israeli music."

Hope to see you there,

-- Eva

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