[MIT Friends of Arts] July 31: Tanglewood Trip

Eva Belmont ebelmont at mit.edu
Sat Jul 25 12:29:06 EDT 2015

Thanks to those who RSVP'd. We still need another driver; while it would
be ideal if you have your own car or a zipcar account, we'd also be
willing to rent a standard rental car (all car-related expenses will be
reimbursed, as well as the ticket price for drivers).

If you've already RSVP'd but want to volunteer to drive, send me an
email; if you haven't RSVP'd, fill out the form:


For this reason I'm extending the deadline until Sunday (the 26th) at noon.


-- Eva

On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 11:58:34PM -0400, Eva Belmont wrote:
>It's time for our annual trip to Tanglewood, the BSO's summer retreat.
>When: July 31 at 8:30PM
>Where: Tanglewood, Lenox, MA (we need volunteers to drive people there)
>What: Concert!
> Weber -- Overture to Der Freischütz
> Schubert -- Symphony No. 4 in C minor, "Tragic"
> Beethoven -- Piano Concerto No. 5, "Emperor"
>   with piano soloist Garrick Ohlsson
>More info: http://www.bso.org/Performance/Listing?brands=6427
>For those of you who haven't been, Tanglewood is a lovely sprawling
>estate in western Massachusetts, at the center of which is an open-air
>theater with ample lawn space for people to relax, enjoy a picnic, and
>listen to some beautiful music.
>We will leave in the mid-afternoon, drive for about three hours, have a picnic
>dinner (food is provided), attend the 8:30pm concert, and return late at night.
>The cost will depend on the number of participants, but expect about $20 (all
>things included), free for drivers.
>Please fill out the following form by Friday, July 24, so we can make
>Hope to see you there,
>Eva Belmont and Kevin Sackel
>(new Friends of the Arts organizers)

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