[BSO Friends] Boston Pops Gershwin Spectacular!

Tiankai Liu tiankai at gmail.com
Sun May 6 12:05:06 EDT 2012

Dear Friends of the Arts,

Thanks for voting; the poll stands at 22-15 in favor of Saturday, so
Saturday, May 12 it shall be. This date works for everyone with the sole
exception of one "Greg."

Please note that the BSO is offering a limited number of college card
tickets for the Thursday performance only. Those are free, but you'll have
to pick them up yourself. We aren't doing anything special for that.

Instead, we'll stick to our original plan: for the Saturday, May 12, 8pm
performance, we'll offer second balcony tickets for $5 (regular price $28),
and first balcony tickets for $20 (regular price $48). We'll also have
dinner together at 6pm, probably in 2-290 as usual. If you're interested in
either the dinner or the subsidized tickets, please RSVP here by Monday
noon, as I'll be buying the tickets shortly thereafter:


Hope to see you soon!

On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 12:02 AM, Tiankai Liu <tiankai at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Friends of Arts,
> Next weekend, the Boston Pops are putting on a Gershwin Spectacular,
> featuring Rhapsody in Blue and many more compositions by the American
> master. We, the Friends, are planning to buy and subsidize group
> tickets for this event. But first, we have to decide whether to go
> Friday (May 11) or Saturday (May 12) evening; both performances start
> at 8pm. So, if you're interested, please sign up here and indicate
> your preferred date:
> http://www.doodle.com/xksyp5dpgike6uyy
> Please vote even if you can go both nights, so we can get an accurate
> count. In the next few days, we'll decide on one of the days, and I'll
> email everyone to confirm who wants tickets: after the subsidy, the
> price will be $5 for second balcony seats, and $20 for first balcony
> seats. Dinner will be provided at 6pm as usual.
> Cheers, and hope to see you all there,
> Jenn & Tiankai
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