[E&E seminars] Seminar WEDNESDAY: US Air Traffic Control System

Renee J Robins rrobins at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 24 16:34:11 EST 2011


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The Technology and Policy Program presents

Issues in Technology and Policy
2011 IAP Seminar Series
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Wednesday Jan. 26th
Status and Evolution of the US Air Traffic Control System

John Hansman
Professor of Engineering Systems and Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering

Noon–1:30 pm

This lecture with discus the status of the current US Air Traffic Control System and the socio-technical forces which have driven it's evolution.  The lecture will also discuss plans to modernize the system and improve performance in terms of operational efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.
rrobins at mit.edu<mailto:rrobins at mit.edu> for further information



TPP IAP Seminar Series Schedule

Wednesday Jan. 12th     Noon–1:30 pm     E51-145
Global Politics of Mercury Pollution: An Inside Look at Treaty Negotiations

Noelle Eckley Selin, Assistant Professor, Engineering Systems Division and Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences

Mercury is a global environmental pollutant that poses toxic risks to  humans and the environment. On January 25th, 2011, representatives from over 100 countries will meet in Japan to negotiate a global  treaty to control mercury. The talk will give some background about the risks posed by mercury, and give a preview of country positions, the type of provisions which are under negotiation, and some major controversies on the road to a global treaty.

Wednesday Jan. 19th     Noon–1:30 pm     E51-145
IT-Enabled Electricity Services: The  Missing Piece of the Environmental Puzzle

Marija Ilic,

Visiting Professor, MIT Engineering Systems Division (Professor of

Electrical & Computer Engineering and Engineering & Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University

In this talk we describe the role electric power grid and its Information Communications Technologies (ICT) play in enabling sustainable electricity services. Examples of new ICT needed to enable affordable integration of renewable resources, as well as the role of T&D management for enabling delivery of cleaner and cheaper power are used to demonstrate the key role these technologies play.  The talk also provides a brief summary of a  Spring 2011 Course on Smart Grids to be offered at MIT.

Wednesday Jan. 26th     Noon–1:30 pm     E51-057  (NOTE DIFFERENT ROOM)
Status and Evolution of the US Air Traffic Control System

John Hansman, Professor of Engineering Systems and Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering

This lecture with discus the status of the current US Air Traffic Control System and the socio-technical forces which have driven it's evolution.  The lecture will also discuss plans to modernize the system and improve performance in terms of operational efficiency and reduced environmental impact.

Sponsored by the Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division.
Renee J. Robins
Director of Special Projects, Technology and Policy Program
Director of Program Integration, MIT-Portugal Program
MIT Engineering Systems Division
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E38-408
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-7662  (tel)        (617) 452-2599  (fax)     rrobins at mit.edu<mailto:rrobins at mit.edu> (email)

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