[E&E seminars] November 11 - Complexity and Sustainability: Perspectives on Environmental Technologies and Global Systems

Jameson Twomey jtwomey at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 1 16:44:01 EDT 2010

 Complexity and Sustainability:
Perspectives on Environmental Technologies and Global Systems

November 11, 1-5 PM

Wong Auditorium<http://whereis.mit.edu/?go=E51> (E51)

A Symposium Honoring Professor David H. Marks
Former Chair of Civil and Environmental Engineering
MIT Director, Alliance for Global Sustainability
Director, Laboratory for Energy and the Environment

Moderator, Joseph Sussman, JR East Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems , MIT

1:00 Andrew Whittle Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT
Opening Remarks: 40 Years of Contributions to Engineering Systems Research and Education

1:10 Richard de Neufville Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Engineering Systems, MIT
Civil Systems Planning and Design

1:30 Roberto Lenton Chair, Inspection Panel, World Bank
Water Systems: The Argentina Project

1:50 Kenneth Strzepek Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Colorado
Water Systems: The Mediterranean Years

2:10 Jared Cohon President, Carnegie Mellon University
Key Note Address: The Future of Engineering Systems
Lawrence Bacow President, Tufts University (video from London)

3:30 Eric Adams Director, Masters of Engineering Program; Senior Research Engineer, CEE, MIT
Adding” Environmental” to Course 1 in Word and Deed

3:45 Greg McRae Bayer Professor of Chemical Engineering, MIT
Genesis of Environmental Systems Education and Research at MIT

4:00 Kenneth Oye Associate Professor, MIT Department of Political Science
Fostering an Interdisciplinary Approach

4:15 John Ehrenfeld Director, Technology, Business and the Environment Program, MIT
Industrial Ecology: The Early Years at MIT

4:30 Peter Edwards Professor of Plant Ecology; Coordinator, AGS, ETH, Zurich (invited)
Issues and Opportunities: Global Academic Collaboration in Environmental Studies

4:45 Mort Webster Assistant Professor, MIT Engineering Systems Division
Engineering Systems Division: New Generation of Scholarship

5:00 MIT Energy Initiative
Current Initiatives and Future of Environmental and Energy Systems Research at MIT

Reception to follow

Website: http://cee.mit.edu/marks-symposium

Contact: thill at mit.edu<mailto:thill at mit.edu>
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