[E&E seminars] ESI News: Young Faculty Seminar: April 6 at 4pm in 54-915

Kurt Sternlof kurtster at MIT.EDU
Mon Mar 29 18:37:15 EDT 2010

Hi Everybody,

The third ESI Young Faculty Seminar of the semester is fast approaching on Tuesday, April 6th at 4 p.m. in the 54-915...reception to follow.
Please spread the word and feel free to distribute the attached poster.  Any and all are welcome.

Jesse Kroll, Assistant Professor in CEE will entertain and inform us with his talk:

Oxidative evolution of organic aerosols in Earth's atmosphere

Organic aerosols (OAs) constitute a large, often dominant fraction of the total tropospheric particulate burden, and as such have important implications for visibility, human health and climate on Earth.  However, state-of-the-art models do not predict OA loadings or properties with any accuracy, indicating large gaps in our understanding of the chemistry underlying OA formation and evolution. Here we present experiments aimed at probing the multi-generational oxidative processing ("aging") of OAs.  These reactions are likely to be important in the atmosphere, but are rarely accessed in the laboratory or included in models.  Results are presented within the context of a new framework for describing the chemistry of atmospheric organic species, using average carbon oxidation state as a metric for describing the degree of photochemical aging.


Also, many thanks to Tanja Bosak of EAPS for her excellent talk on March 9th. The rest of the lineup for this semester includes:

Tuesday, May 4:  Taylor Perron @ 4pm at Parsons (48-316): Pattern formation in river networks

Tuesday, June 1:  Janelle Thompson @ 4pm at EAPS (54-915): Land and Sea: Microbial processes from corals to carbon sequestration

Please join us for all the talks and an easy opportunity to check out what's new in areas outside your own expertise.
Hope to see you there.



Kurt Sternlof, Ph.D.
Executive Director
MIT Earth System Initiative
kurtster at mit.edu

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