[E&E seminars] ESI News: Young Faculty Seminar: March 9 at 4pm in 48-316
Kurt Sternlof
kurtster at MIT.EDU
Fri Feb 26 14:03:35 EST 2010
Hi Everybody,
The second ESI Young Faculty Seminar of the semester is fast approaching on Tuesday, March 9th at 4 p.m. in the Parsons Lab (48-316)...reception to follow.
Tanja Bosak, Cecil & Ida Green Assistant Professor in EAPS (see poster attached) will regale us with her talk:
Growth geometry of modern and ancient photosynthetic biofilms
Stromatolites are laminated and lithified sedimentary structures often interpreted as Earth's oldest macroscopic fossils. But do ancient stromatolites actually record evidence of biological processes in their morphology? Professor Bosak will present experimental and theoretical evidence linking the biological and physical processes of modern photosynthetic biofilm technology to the macroscopic geometry and textural signatures of contemporary conical stromatolites. This mechanistic understanding of the biophysical processes governing growth geometry in modern stromatolites allows us to identify evidence of photosynthetic processes preserved in rocks from early Earth.
Also, many thanks to Ruben Juanes of CEE for kicking the series off so well on February 9th. The rest of the lineup for this semester includes:
Tuesday, April 6: Jesse Kroll @ 4pm at EAPS (54-915): Oxidation evolution of organic aerosols in Earth's atmosphere
Tuesday, May 4: Taylor Perron @ 4pm at Parsons (48-316): Pattern formation in river networks
Tuesday, June 1: Janelle Thompson @ 4pm at EAPS (54-915): TBA
Please join us for all the talks and an easy opportunity to check out what's new in areas outside your own expertise.
Hope to see you there.
Kurt Sternlof, Ph.D.
Executive Director
MIT Earth System Initiative
kurtster at mit.edu
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