[E&E seminars] Thursday: Integration - A Key Factor for High Building Energy Performance

Jameson Twomey jtwomey at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 16 16:54:47 EST 2010

The MIT Energy Initiative and Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy  
Systems Present:

Integration - A Key Factor for High Building Energy Performance
(Abstract Below)

Thursday, February 18th


(400 Main Street, Cambridge; 3rd Floor)


Andreas Wagner
Professor for Building Physics and Technical Building Services
Faculty of Architecture
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

The large energy saving potential in the building sector which  
contributes approx. 40% to the total energy consumption of  
industrialized countries can only be exploited by pursuing a holistic  
strategy. In this context the term 'Integrated Buildings' has to be  
reviewed – its original focus on a systems approach for building  
design and energy concepts has to be extended to topics considering  
the whole building's life-cycle and all different actors involved. In  
his presentation Prof. Wagner will highlight new building technologies  
which are emerging from research to application in Europe, and his  
visions on future developments for integrated buildings. By discussing  
new methods to improve the building energy performance as well as to  
evaluate comfort and occupant satisfaction at workplaces he will point  
out the relevance of a systematic building operation assessment.  
Further, the integration of energy performance figures into the  
portfolio analysis of larger building stocks will be addressed to also  
direct the attention to new mechanisms in the real estate market.  
During the presentation Prof. Wagner will show results of his research  
with the building science group at KIT in the context of the topics  
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