[E&E seminars] ESI News: Young Faculty Seminar: May 4 @ 4pm in 48-316

Kurt Sternlof kurtster at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 28 16:55:13 EDT 2010

Hi Everybody,

The fourth ESI Young Faculty Seminar of the semester is fast approaching next Tuesday, May 4th at 4 p.m. in the 48-316...reception to follow.
Please spread the word and feel free to distribute the attached poster.  Any and all are welcome.

Taylor Perron, Assistant Professor in EAPS will entertain and astound us with his talk:

Pattern Formation in River Networks

Branching river networks are one of the most widespread features of Earth's surface, and their self-organized structure controls the transport of water and sediment across the continents. Dr. Perron will present a framework for interpreting these prominent landscape patterns. A numerical model of the dominant erosional mechanisms shaping soil-mantled landscapes predicts the emergence of patterns ranging from the spacing of sub-kilometer valleys to the hierarchical structure of hundred-kilometer river networks. Field measurements and high-resolution topography from laser altimetry provide a dataset for testing these model predictions, and yield insight into how landscape patterns record the influence of climate, rock type and life.


Also, many thanks to Jesse Kroll for his excellent talk on April 6th. The final talk of the semester will be:

Tuesday, June 1:  Janelle Thompson @ 4pm at EAPS (54-915): Land and Sea: Microbial processes from corals to carbon sequestration

Please join us for both talks and an easy opportunity to check out what's new in areas outside your own expertise.

Hope to see you there.



Kurt Sternlof, Ph.D.
Executive Director
MIT Earth System Initiative
kurtster at mit.edu

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