[E&E seminars] MITEI Seminar - April 7 - Christof Rühl - Global Oil and Gas Markets

Jameson Twomey jtwomey at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 5 13:51:43 EDT 2010

Global Oil and Gas Markets

Christof Rühl, Chief Economist, BP plc

Wednesday, April 7

10:30 - 11:30 AM

E19-319 (400 Main Street)

Christof Rühl is group chief economist and vice president of BP plc.  
He manages BP's global economics team, analyzing the global economy  
and energy markets, to provide economic underpinning for BP's  
commercial strategy. Dr. Rühl joined BP in 2005 and became chief  
economist in 2007. He has a distinguished track record in academia as  
well as in economic development and policy making. Prior to joining BP  
in May 2005, he served at the World Bank, and was the World Bank's  
Chief Economist in Russia (2001-04) and Brazil (2004-05). From  
1996-1998, Rühl was a Principal Economist at the European Bank for  
Reconstruction and Development in London. Prior to this, Rühl served  
in academia. He was a Professor of Economics at the University of  
California in Los Angeles (1991-1996), and earlier held teaching and  
research positions at German universities. He also has been a visiting  
professor at academic institutions worldwide, including the University  
of Western Ontario and the University of Chicago. His areas of  
specialization are macroeconomics, monetary economics, and the  
economic transition from central planning.
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