[E&E seminars] ESI News: Climate Engineering Symposium Reminder

Kurt Sternlof kurtster at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 26 14:02:45 EDT 2009

Just Say No to Procrastination,


If you haven't done so already, please pre-register for Friday's Symposium
at Wong Auditorium:


Engineering a Cooler Earth: Can We Do It? Should We Try?


Details can be found at http://web.mit.edu/esi and you can register to
secure a seat either by clicking the "Register Today" link on the web site,
or simply by responding to this email.


It's going to be a great program, and I hope to see you all there.







Kurt Sternlof, Ph.D.

Executive Director

MIT Earth System Initiative


kurtster at mit.edu


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