[E&E seminars] MITEI Special Seminar - October 19 - Christian Holter on Solar Thermal Technology

Jameson Twomey jtwomey at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 13 15:35:40 EDT 2009

The MIT Energy Initiative, together with the Campus Energy Task Force,  
is proud to announce a special seminar this coming Monday, October 19  
at 4:00. We hope to see you there!

Solar Thermal Technology -  Present Usage, Future Possibilities, and  
Best Practices

Christian Holter

Monday, October 19

4:00 PM
Refreshments to follow

Room 32-141
32 Vassar Street
Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Solar thermal technology is already widely spread with a total nominal  
power of 147 GW installed by end of 2007. Most of today’s capacity is  
used for preparing hot water, but the potential for integration in  
industrial process heat, space and district heating and solar cooling  
is a manifold and today just slightly touched by a few pilot projects.

The presentation will start summarizing today’s distribution and usage  
of solar thermal technology compared to other renewables worldwide.  
After discussing the possible contribution to the worldwide energy  
supply, I will highlight best practice examples, including a 10,000  
ft2 plant proposed for MIT's NW 35. If meteorological situation  
allows, we can see the operation of plants with a live feed.

About the Speaker

Dr. Christian Holter is Managing Director of S.O.L.I.D. GmbH of Graz,  
Austria www.solid.at  and operating in Phoenix AZ as SolidUSA, Inc. www.solidsolar.com 
. SOLID specializes in large scale solar thermal plants with  
installations in 20 countries. Applications cover a wide range from  
domestic hot water to space heating, district heating, industrial  
process heat and solar cooling.
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