[E&E seminars] ESI News: Environmental Ethics Discussion Tonight

Kurt Sternlof kurtster at MIT.EDU
Fri Oct 2 10:54:30 EDT 2009

Hi Everyone,


ESI stalwarts Ed DeLong and Director Dara Entekhabi will be speaking on
Ethics and the Environment tonight at 6pm in Simmons Hall (W79-MPR).  See
below for details.







This evening, Professor Entekhabi and Professor DeLong will lead a panel 
discussion about Ethics and the Environment. The goal of this interactive 
dialogue is to engage students and faculty in a discussion about ethical 
issues surrounding the environment and research. We look forward to an 
enthusiastic discussion! 


Speaker: Dara Entekhabi, Edward DeLong 

Time: 6:00p-7:30p 

Location: W79-MPR, Simmons Hall MPR 

Part of the Ethics Initiative, a series of free-spirited conversations  
between students and leading experts and faculty, that center on  
ethical issues, societal responsibilities of scientists and engineers,  
and the complex problems faced in technology, education, engineering  
and science in today's modern world. 


Dara Entekhabi 
Director, Earth System Initiative 
Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor in Civil and  
Environmental Engineering and Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences 
Director, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Environmental Science and  

Edward DeLong 
Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and  
Division of Biological Engineering 

Sponsored by Residential Scholars @ Simmons Hall; Dalai Lama Center  
for Ethics and Transformative Values; The William R and Betsy P Leitch  



Kurt Sternlof

Executive Director

MIT Earth System Initiative


kurtster at mit.edu


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