[E&E seminars] Tuesday TPP Seminar -- Carbon Efficient Supply Chains

Renee Robins rrobins at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 8 14:50:02 EST 2009

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The Technology and Policy Program presents

Issues in Technology and Policy
IAP Seminar Series
All seminars meet in E51-145
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Tuesday Jan. 13th
Carbon Efficient Supply Chains

Edgar Blanco
Research Associate, Center for Transportation and Logistics

Noon–1:30 pm

In this presentation we will introduce the key challenges in  
determining the carbon footprint of supply chains.  We will discuss  
how public-private partnerships could be used to overcome some of  
these challenges. We will use the EPA Smartway Program as an example  
of aligning multiple incentives to achieve transparency and  
collaboration within the supply chain.

Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.
rrobins at mit.edu for further information

TPP IAP Seminar Series Schedule

(For upcoming seminar descriptions see http://student.mit.edu/ 

Tues. Jan. 20    Noon-1:30 pm
Optimization and Multi-Stakeholder Objectives for Air Transportation  
Hamsa Balakrishnan, Assistant Professor of Aeronautics and  
Astronautics and Engineering Systems

Tues. Jan. 27     Noon-1:30 pm
On the Road in 2035: Reducing Transportation's Petroleum Consumption  
and GHG Emissions
John Heywood, Sun Jae Professor of Mechanical Engineering

All seminars meet in E51-145
Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.
For seminar descriptions see http://student.mit.edu/searchiap/ 

Sponsored by the Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems  

Renee J. Robins
Director of Special Projects, Technology and Policy Program
Director of Program Integration, MIT-Portugal Program
MIT Engineering Systems Division
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E40-381
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-7662  (tel)        (617) 452-2599  (fax)      
rrobins at mit.edu (email)

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