[E&E seminars] WEDNESDAY-Workshop: Superconducting DC Transmission and Distribution (2-25-09)

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 24 14:07:18 EST 2009

Workshop: Superconducting DC Transmission and Distribution

Date:		Wednesday, February 25
Time:		8:30 AM - 5:45 PM
Location:	NW17-218
Sponsor: 	MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center and the MIT Energy  

The large-scale use of superconductivity and cryogenics can have  
substantial impact on the energy systems in the US and around the  
world. In particular, the use of superconductivity can help minimize  
energy lost in the transmission and distribution (T&D) of electricity.  
By using superconducting and cryogenic technologies it will be  
possible to increase the cost effectiveness, efficiency, and capacity  
of the power grid and it will greatly impact our present portfolio of  
power sources. It may also be especially needed for large-scale  
implementation of renewable sources, such as wind, solar photovoltaic  
power, and ocean wave power.

This workshop will focus on DC applications of superconductors for  
transmission and distribution systems.

For further information contact:

Dr. Joseph V. Minervini
Division Head, Technology and Engineering
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Email: minervini at psfc.mit.edu

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