[E&E seminars] MIT Seminar on Environmental and Agricultural History, FRIDAY, 13 February

Margo Collett mcollett at MIT.EDU
Thu Feb 12 09:32:21 EST 2009

MIT Seminar on Environmental and

Agricultural History

  “My Life as a Mosquito: Narrative, Disease, and Agro-Ecology in a  
Malaria Landscape”

James McCann

Professor of History, Boston University
Current research links malaria transmission with the expansion of  
maize in Ethiopia.  This paper addresses the problems facing the  
historian who seeks to tell the story of agro-ecology, disease, and  
human agency in a specific historical landscape.

Friday, February 13, 2009

2:30 to 4:30 pm

Building E51 Room 095

Corner of Wadsworth and Amherst Streets, Cambridge

Sponsored by MIT’s History Faculty and the Program in Science,  
Technology, and Society. For more information or to be put on the  
mailing list, please contact Margo Collett at mcollett at mit.edu. 
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