[E&E seminars] Energy Regatta kick-off

Blandine Antoine blandine.antoine at polytechnique.org
Thu Sep 18 13:38:55 EDT 2008

Energy Regatta kick-off
Friday September 26, 2008, 5.30pm
Bush Room (10-105)
co-hosted by the Francophone Club and the Energy Club
Followed by a  "minimum waste" reception featuring tasty "as local as  
possible" food sponsored by Total

Part I - " Oil exploration and production: challenges & innovations"  
by Dr Annie Audibert-Hayet (Total R&D)
Part II - "FPSO Dalia: how to push the boundaries of deep offshore  
development" by Philippe Reffinato (Total offshore installation manager)

The following reception and ensuing sailing-race (visit http://total-sailing.mit.edu 
  for registration) are an opportunity to network with energy  
enthusiasts from across campus, and meet members from Total SA (R&D,  
offshore exploration, recruitment team - including corporate director  
for recruitment).

Attendees who are interested in learning more about job and internship  
opportunities at Total may submit their resume at http://total-sailing.mit.edu/submit_resume 
. This is a unique opportunity for you to get your resume through!

Information on the speakers

Dr Annie Audibert-Hayet is in charge of development  studies  for   
heavy oil reservoirs at Total SA (Planning and Development Engineer).  
She has worked in the oil and gas industry  for  more  than  25 years,  
and has been in charge of research programs in enhanced oil recovery  
(EOR), formation  damage,  wellbore  stability, drilling  fluids  and  
cements and polymer  science.  An active member of the Society of  
Petroleum Engineers (SPE), she has served in various organizing  
committees and has taught various courses at several  academic   
organizations in the area of colloids, polymers for well fluid  
formulation and cementing materials, complex fluids…  She is the  
author of 43 peer reviewed publications in various chemistry, chemical  
engineering and petroleum engineering journals, and holds 34 patents.  
She received her MS  in  chemical  engineering  from  the  Ecole  
Nationale  Superieure  de  Chimie  de  Paris  and her  PhD in Physical  
chemistry of polymers from the University of Rouen.

Philippe Reffinato is the Offshore Installation Manager on Dalia, a  
Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading installation (FPSO) off  
the shore of Angola. He started working with Total in 1990 as Process  
engineer in the Process &  Operation HQ department. After seconding  
operations on two ships in Thailand, he gained his first offshore  
operationnal experience on Bongkot Field (Gaz  plant) as Production  
Superintendant, then Field Manager.
 From 2000 to 2003, he worked for Total's HQ Health & Safety (HSE)  
department in Paris, carrying out internal safety audits in Total  
Exploration & Production affiliates, and implementing the HSE  
management system.  In 2003, he moved to Congo. He was appointed  
offshore installation manager for the Nkossa Field for which he was in  
charge of  all   offshore   operations (production, maintenance,  
drilling, well  servicing, construction, inspection and logistics).  
In  2006,  he became offshore installation manager for the Girassol  
FPSO (Angola), which included managing the  full  shutdown of the FPSO  
during 40 days in mai 2006. Since  2007, he is the offshore  
installation manager of the FPSO Dalia (Angola). He graduated from HEI  
(Hautes Etudes Industrielles, Lille) in 1988.
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