[E&E seminars] FERC Chairman Joseph Kelliher-Seminar 9/19

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 12 17:27:48 EDT 2008

We are pleased to announce a seminar featuring Joseph Kelliher,  
Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, followed by  
commentary from FERC Commissioner Jon Wellinghoff. For more  
information, please contact Jameson Twomey at jtwomey at mit.edu. We hope  
you will join us.


Energy Policy and Technology

Joseph T. Kelliher, Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
With commentary by Commissioner Jon Wellinghoff

Date: Friday, September 19, 2008
Time: 4:00 PM [Reception follows]
Location: Room E51-325 (Tang Center), 70 Memorial Dr.
Sponsor: MIT Energy Initiative


In his talk, Chairman Kelliher will discuss the relationship between  
technology and energy policy, how technological developments force  
change in policy, and how technological limits constrain energy policy  
options, with a focus on electricity competition policy and climate  

About the speaker

Joseph T. Kelliher serves as Chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory  
Commission. He served as a Commissioner from 2003 until President Bush  
appointed him Chairman in 2005. Chairman Kelliher has an extensive  
record of public service, including positions such as Senior Policy  
Advisor to Department of Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham; member of  
the Bush/Cheney transition team; and majority Counsel to the House  
Committee on Commerce. He also has considerable experience in the  
private sector, including roles such as Counsel for a major law firm  
and representing interests of a large public utility and a nuclear  
power trade association.

Jon Wellinghoff is a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory  
Commission. He is an energy law specialist with more than 30 years  
experience in the field. Before joining FERC, he was in private  
practice and focused exclusively on client matters related to  
renewable energy, energy efficiency and distributed generation. While  
in the private sector, Commissioner Wellinghoff represented an array  
of clients from federal agencies, renewable developers, and large  
consumers of power to energy efficient product manufacturers and clean  
energy advocacy organizations.

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