[E&E seminars] X PRIZE Energy Forum TODAY

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Wed Sep 10 11:31:29 EDT 2008

TODAY @ 4:30 in 34-101
You won't want to miss this one!
X PRIZE Energy Forum: "Seeking Radical Breakthroughs in Alternative  
Energy: What I Would Advise the Next President"
Wednesday, September 10th, 4:30p–6:00p, networking reception to follow
Location: MIT Room 34-101 (forum), Stata Center R&D Commons (reception)

Join us for an exciting forum on innovative solutions to the energy  
crisis, as we explore what technologies and approaches are most  
promising, where investments should be made and what policies should  


Futurist Dr. Ray Kurzweil,
Biologist Dr. George Church,
Inventor Dr. Saul Griffith,
X PRIZE Foundation Chairman/CEO Dr. Peter Diamandis,
and other special guests.

Networking reception to follow from 6-7pm in Stata R&D Commons.

Open to all.
Sponsor(s): X PRIZE Lab @ MIT, MIT Energy Club, X PRIZE Foundation

"Never doubt that a small, group of thoughtful,
  committed citizens can change the world.
  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
                      ~*~ Margaret Mead

Dr. Erika B. Wagner
w: 617.253.0017
erika at mit.edu, elb at alumni.vanderbilt.edu
Science Director, Mars Gravity Biosatellite
Executive Director, X PRIZE Lab @ MIT

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