[E&E seminars] Zero Waste Event December 3rd, 4-6 pm

Kathreen kathreen at MIT.EDU
Sun Nov 30 22:35:16 EST 2008

All Student Groups, FSILGS, Departments, Offices, and other MIT-affilitated
groups are cordially invited to a Zero Waste Information Session and Party
on December 3, 4-6 pm in the R&D Commons. This event will consist of two
parts: the first will educate groups about how to make their events have
less environmental harm (with ease!), and the second will demonstrate and
celebrate the success of this goal by having a zero waste party ourselves.
Information about food caterers, event advertising, food waste, and
resources that Sustainability at MIT can offer will be presented. Please send a
few people from your organization to this exciting event, and RSVP below by
Dec 1.

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out

RSVPs for Zero Waste Information Session and Party

* Required
 Name *

 Email *

 Group *

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