[E&E seminars] MIT/BSCES Freeman Lecture, April 14, 7PM, E51, Singapore Marina Barrage

Gayle Sherman gsherman at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 11 15:46:16 EDT 2008

Hello, please mark your calendars to attend this year's John R. Freeman
Lecture on Monday, April 14 at the Wong Auditorium, MIT Tang Center, 70
Memorial Drive, Bldg. E51, Cambridge, MA. 


The reception begins at 6pm, preceding the lecture by Dr. Brendan Harley,
Senior Vice President at Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. on "Singapore's Marina
Barrage: Design, Evolution and Construction of a Multi-Purpose Urban


Please visit this MIT CEE web page for the event details:



Please see this web site for more information about the BSCES Freeman Fund,
including video of past lectures:







Gayle Sherman

Administrative Assistant

MIT Room 48-209

Cambridge, MA 02139

tel.: 617-452-3022; email:  <mailto:gsherman at mit.edu> gsherman at mit.edu


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