[E&E seminars] RFP-Student Financial Assistance for Energy-Related Research

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Fri Mar 7 18:28:37 EST 2008

Student Financial Assistance for

Energy-Related Research

Request for Proposals

Deadline: March 21, 2008

MIT has received a generous gift from TOTAL, a leading multinational  
energy company, to support students conducting energy-related  
research. Graduate students whose research is in the area of energy  
may be eligible to receive a financial award to assist in carrying  
out their research. Awards can be used for travel, supplies, or  
equipment. To apply, submit a short description of your research, the  
amount you are seeking, and how it will be used to Karen Gibson  
(kgibson at mit.edu) by Friday, March 21. Awards of $1K-10K will be  
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