[E&E seminars] TODAY - Environmental Careers Panel - 3:30 PM

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 22 09:18:13 EST 2008



Environmental Careers Panel

January 22, 3:30-5:00 pm, MIT Room 4-237


Sponsored by MIT Careers Office, MIT Energy Initiative/Lab for Energy & the
Environment, MIT Pledge Effort, & MIT Students for Global Sustainability


Panelists with experience in a range of environmental fields will discuss
their work and answer questions about how to develop a career in these
areas.  Come and broaden your knowledge about options available to you.
Meet the professionals!


This year's excellent panelists:

-- Debbi Edelstein, Manager, Northeast Diesel Collaborative & Director,
Clean Air Communities, NESCAUM (MCP, DUSP)

-- Ann Shellenbarger Jones, Senior Associate, Industrial Economics, Inc.
(PhD Chemistry)

-- Christopher Schaffner, PE, LEEDR AP, The Green Engineer (SB MechE)

-- Steve Taub, Senior VP, Strategic Marketing-Renewables, GE Energy
Financial Services (SM MechE, TPP)


For more information, mcwilson at mit.edu 


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