[E&E seminars] Climate Policy Seminar Tuesday Jan. 8th

Renee Robins rrobins at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 3 08:23:20 EST 2008

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The Technology and Policy Program presents

Issues in Technology and Policy
IAP Seminar Series
All seminars meet in E51-149
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Considering Risk and Uncertainty in Designing Climate Policy
Mort Webster
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, &  
Planetary Sciences

Tuesday Jan. 8th
Noon–1:30 pm
A public policy response to the threat of global climate change  
requires explicit consideration of the scientific, technological and  
economic uncertainties. In this talk, Prof. Webster will show how  
formal modeling of the economic and earth systems and their  
uncertainties can inform how we design our policy solutions to be  
robust and to manage risks.

Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.
rrobins at mit.edu for further information

TPP IAP Seminar Series Schedule

(For seminar descriptions see http://student.mit.edu/iap/nstechpo.html)

Tues. Jan. 8    Noon-1:30 pm
Considering Risk and Uncertainty in Designing Climate Policy
Mort Webster, Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth,  
Atmospheric, & Planetary Sciences

Tues. Jan. 15    Noon-1:30 pm
Space Logistics: Enabler of the New Frontier -- Current Research  
Olivier de Weck, Associate Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics  
and Engineering Systems

Tues. Jan. 22     Noon-1:30 pm
MIT's Global Airline Industry Program: Research on the National Air  
Transportation System
Cynthia Barnhart, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering  
and Engineering Systems, and Associate Dean of Engineering

All seminars meet in E51-149
Bring brown bag lunch; light refreshments provided.
For seminar descriptions see http://student.mit.edu/iap/nstechpo.htm

Sponsored by the Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems  


Renee J. Robins
Director of Special Projects, Technology and Policy Program
Director of Program Integration, MIT-Portugal Program
MIT Engineering Systems Division
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room E40-381
Cambridge, MA  02139
(617) 253-7662  (tel)        (617) 452-2599  (fax)      
rrobins at mit.edu (email)

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