[E&E seminars] Monday - Big Picture Panel on Sustainable Energy

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 5 10:29:47 EST 2008


A FREE Lecture event:

Big Picture Panel on Sustainable Energy

February 11, 2008 at 5:00 pm in 32-123


Climate change is making it increasingly clear that we need sustainable
energy - a supply that does not destroy our other resources, and a habit of
using energy efficiently. To understand how this will be affecting you and
your life choices, we need to look at the Big Picture. What are the biggest
obstacles to sustainable energy? What is being done right now? How will this
be affecting your career?


Sustainable careers are not just for do-gooders. Sustainable energy is not
just about solar panels, wind power, and fuel cells. And we are not just
waiting for the miracle gadget that everyone can just buy!


Join us for a series of short talks and a Q&A session, followed by a
reception with refreshments.


Our Panelists:


Michael Greenstone 

Jefferson Tester 

Leon Glicksman 

Sarah Slaughter


The Big Picture Panel is the kickoff event of Focus on Climate Change
(February 12-14), and is cosponsored by SAVE and the MIT Fund.


MIT Lecture Series Committee



Check it out: 

Big Picture Panel on <http://lsc.mit.edu/schedule/2008.2q/desc-bpp.shtml>
Sustainable Energy

Focus on Climate Change <http://web.mit.edu/allielee/www/save/> 


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