[E&E seminars] Role of Materials in the Energy Landscape - Minisymposium, Friday, April 25

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 24 16:07:57 EDT 2008

Please join us as the Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series  
presents a minisymposium.

Frontiers of Materials Science:
Role of Materials in the Energy Landscape
Friday, April 25

12:00	Introduction and the big picture, Prof. Gerd Ceder, MIT

12:15	Keynote, Prof. Harry A. Atwater, Caltech

1:00	Lunch break for all attendees

1:30 	Panel discussion moderated by Prof. Robert C. Armstrong, MIT  
Energy Initiative

The Materials Science and Engineering Seminar Series is sponsored by  
the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, the Center for  
Materials Science and Engineering, and the Materials Processing Center.

Rachel Kemper
Communications Coordinator, Department of Materials Science and  
Engineering, MIT
6-102, 77 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA  02139
rkemper at mit.edu

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