[E&E seminars] Earth Day Fair 11-2 today in Stata

Beth Conlin bconlin at MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 24 08:37:42 EDT 2008

Celebrate Earth Day at MIT today!


Stop by the Student Street in the Stata Center between 11:00 and 2:00 and
join in the fun.

*	Sign up for a free chair massage -- sponsored by DAPER
*	Find out about sustainability seminar
http://www.sustaincommworld.com/ giveaways offered by the Publishing
Services Bureau
*	Learn more about Cambridge's efforts to be one of the greenest
cities in America
*	Meet the students and staff who are MIT's environmental stewards

Don't you wish you could be sustainable? Find out how!


See you at the Fair,



Ruth T. Davis
Manager of Communications
MIT Department of Facilities
NE49-2100, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02139
Phone: 617-253-7299


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