[E&E seminars] AGS Annual Meeting 2008 - Registration is open

Karen Gibson kgibson at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 6 16:46:00 EDT 2007

Please forgive cross-postings

The Alliance for Global Sustainability invites you to:

"Designing Pathways for a Sustainable World: at Scale, in Time, and  
for All"

28-31 January 2008
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA, USA

Register: http://web.mit.edu/agsam08/reg/
The complexity of responding to the challenges of climate change and  
sustainability has created an impasse to effective action. A strong  
current of pessimism runs through the public dialogue, which seems to  
have evolved from “nothing is wrong so we need to do nothing” to  
“everything is so wrong that there is nothing we can do.” But it is  
not too late. Instead, it is time to deploy the knowledge we have–or  
will soon have–to pursue sustainable pathways.

The AGS meeting focuses on the development of the “pathways” concept  
as a framework for advancing near-term transitions to sustainability.  
The basis of the pathways concept is how we transition from our  
present systems, based on today’s technologies, infrastructures, and  
markets, toward more sustainable systems. In navigating this  
transition, we must consider scale, timing, and social equity in  
order to respond to the urgent need for substantive action on  
climate, energy, food and water challenges. The meeting will bring  
together approximately 300 international scholars, business leaders,  
and government and NGO representatives.

Registration / Conference Website - http://web.mit.edu/agsam08
Online conference registration is now OPEN.  We invite you to visit  
the AGS annual meeting website where the most up-to-date information  
will be posted, including the meeting agenda, registration and hotel  
information, directions, and the call for posters. Online  
registration will close on 14 January. (The MIT/AGS will cover the  
registration fee for MIT faculty, researchers, and students who want  
to attend the meeting.)

Poster session
The deadline for submission of abstracts for the poster session is 15  
October. We invite you to visit the AGS annual meeting website http:// 
web.mit.edu/agsam08/papers/ for guidelines on submission.

The Alliance for Global Sustainability (AGS) is a network of  
international science and technology-based universities -  
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, USA), Swiss  
Federal Institute of Technology (Zurich, Switzerland), The University  
of Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan), and Chalmers University of Technology  
(Göteborg, Sweden) - committed to joint research, education, and  
outreach to address the issues around global sustainability. The AGS  
was created a decade ago to help understand the complex issues that  
lie at the intersection of environmental, economic, and social goals.

Contact: Karen Gibson, Email: kgibson at mit.edu

We look forward to seeing you in January!
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