[E&E seminars] Making a Difference One Step at a Time: Oct 25, 6-7pm, 1-246

Christopher Sequeira csequeir at MIT.EDU
Mon Oct 22 11:02:43 EDT 2007

The MIT Pledge Effort Presents:

== Making a Difference One Step at a Time ==
With Steve Lanou: Deputy Director of Environmental Sustainability at 
MIT's Environment, Health, and Safety Office

October 25th, 2007
6pm - 7pm, 1-246

What are the small things we can all do to improve social and 
environmental aspects of our workplaces? Get some tips and techniques on 
implementing socio-environmentally responsible practices and encouraging 
your co-workers to do the same.  Refreshments will be served.

The MIT Pledge Effort is supported by Students for Global 
Sustainability, the Technology and Culture Forum, and the MIT Energy 
Initiative's Education Office.


Christopher J. Sequeira
MIT Aeronautics, Technology and Policy Program
csequeir at mit.edu

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